For these problems, use your plain text editor (e.g. Notepad++). Paste the test into a new document and use the search function to write a regular expression that gives the desired result. Submit your assignment as the html output of an Rmarkdown document linked in your class portfolio. In that document, provide the regular expression that works (there may be several possible “right” answers) as plain text markdown page followed by an explanation of what each element the expression is doing. If you get stuck, give the solution that gets you as close as you can.
Candidate Choice Absentee Mail Early Voting Election Day Total Votes
TODD RUSS 7,021 8,194 135,216 150,431
CLARK JOLLEY 7,012 5,835 107,714 120,561
Candidate Choice, Absentee Mail, Early Voting, Election Day, Total Votes
TODD RUSS, 7021, 8194, 135216, 150431
CLARK JOLLEY, 7012, 5835, 107714, 120561
Adamic, Emily M.
Bierbaum, Emily L.
Cartmell, Laci J.
Delaporte, Elise
Hansen, Rebekah E.
Herrboldt, Madison A.
Lewis, Cari D.
Mierow, Tanner T.
Naranjo, Daniel S.
Paslay, Caleb
Pletcher, Olivia M.
West, Amy C.
Emily Adamic (
Emily Bierbaum (
Laci Cartmell (
Elise Delaporte (
Rebekah Hansen (
Madison Herrboldt (
Cari Lewis (
Tanner Mierow (
Daniel Naranjo (
Caleb Paslay (
Olivia Pletcher (
Amy West (
Here is a data set with common names, genus species, and a numeric variable
Banded sculpin, Cottus carolinae, 5
Redspot chub, Nocomis asper, 5
Northern hog sucker, Hypentelium nigricans, 6
Creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus, 8
Stippled darter, Etheostoma punctulatum, 9
Smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, 10
Logperch, Percina caprodes, 13
Slender madtom, Noturus exilis, 14
Banded sculpin, 5
Redspot chub, 5
Northern hog sucker, 6
Creek chub, 8
Stippled darter, 9
Smallmouth bass, 10
Logperch, 13
Slender madtom, 14
Banded sculpin, C_carolinae, 5
Redspot chub, N_asper, 5
Northern hog sucker, H_nigricans, 6
Creek chub, S_atromaculatus, 8
Stippled darter, E_punctulatum, 9
Smallmouth bass, M_dolomieu, 10
Logperch, P_caprodes, 13
Slender madtom, N_exilis, 14
Banded sculpin, C_car., 5
Redspot chub, N_asp., 5
Northern hog sucker, H_nig., 6
Creek chub, S_atr., 8
Stippled darter, E_pun., 9
Smallmouth bass, M_dol., 10
Logperch, P_cap., 13
Slender madtom, N_exi., 14
For these questions download a transcript or protein FASTA for you favorite species with a complete nuclear and mitochondrial geneome from NCBI Datasets.
Use the UNIX shell with grep and sed commands for the following question. In you assignment Provide the command you used, explain what it does, and provide the head or tail of the output.
Create a new file that contains only the fasta headers (lines that begin with >) from your file.
Create a new file that contains the full sequences of only the ribosomal transcripts or proteins.